Guiding with vision
& global impact.
Action, not Excuses
Complex problems require more than technology solutions: they need human empathy and real-world knowledge to be long-lasting, practical, and effective.
We believe in leading by example, stepping forward to face challenges head-on. Our teams are committed to addressing issues at every level — national, regional, local, community, and individual — ensuring comprehensive solutions that benefit everyone.
Success depends on more than well developed solutions: it relies on the adoption of those solutions, and advocacy by those they are designed to help. We do more than make great technology accessible and relevant to everyone: we ensuring people are empowered to use it effectively, supported by great teams, and included in the design and implementation.
In short, we don’t just make great technology, we are change-agents driving meaningful progress and long-lasting transformations.
Showing the Way
Successfully negotiating with Caribbean governments to partner and test new environmental and public health initiatives. Initially launched as a public health intervention in one local region, VectorStar’s success led to the expansion of Project Mobilize across the territory. These initiatives aim to increase efforts in vector control, surveillance, public health reporting, and community activation.
Advancing Knowledge
Authored a first-of-its-kind operational manual to help Caribbean governments and communities deploy novel approaches to combat disease-transmitting mosquitoes. Conducted regional assessments to address urbanization, climate change, and insecticide resistance. Developed a comprehensive strategy, and incorporated lessons from diverse stakeholders in over a dozen countries, emphasizing action to protect communities and eliminate vector-borne diseases.

Brought together hundreds of industry leaders, manufacturers, scientists, government officials, and implementation teams to provide emergency and disaster relief for public health objectives.

Provided immediate and ongoing support following intense hurricane seasons, and coordinated with regional and USAID-backed PAHO to inform, advise, and implement interventions.

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VectorStars is a thought leader in several spaces, and is always looking to partner with other scientific, innovative, active, and creative people and organizations looking to affect global change.
Rural Interventions
Grants & Implementation
501(c) 3 Nonprofit
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